Enterprise Agreements

Union members are in a stronger position to secure higher pay and conditions through collective bargaining. The TWU has a proven track record of improving wages and working conditions for our members, and employees that are under an Enterprise Agreement (EBA) earn on average more than other employees. 

The TWU fights for EBA's that guarantee:

  • Regular wage increases 
  • Fair rostering provisions
  • Superior leave entitlements
  • Penalty loadings 
  • Public holidays
  • Meal breaks
  • Allowances


Industrial Advice & Protection

The TWU offers free advice and assistance with a range of workplace issues, such as:

  • Enterprise bargaining
  • Wage underpayments
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Harassment at work
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Dispute resolution
  • Discrimination
  • Safety on the job


Legal Services

TWU members receive a range of benefits from Andersons Solicitors, including:

  • First interview free
  • Discount on all legal services
  • Free simple wills

Andersons Solicitors are pleased to assist TWU members with their legal queries and can offer support within the areas of family law, workplace and personal injury, employment law, criminal and police matters, and commercial and conveyancing services.

For more information about how Andersons can assist you, give them a call on 1800 653 655 or visit their website here.



TWUSUPER is one of the best industry super funds around. The TWU also provides a consultation service on your superannuation through our Superannuation Liaison Officer.

For more information about TWUSUPER, give them a call on 1800 222 071 or visit their website here.





Union Shopper

Union Shopper is a 100% union-owned organisation utilising the collective bargaining power of unions across Australia to provide benefits and savings to members and their families.

For more information about TWUSUPER, give them a call on 1300 368 117 or visit their website here.






ME is the industry super fund bank designed to help TWU members get ahead. They provide a range of cost effective home loans, credit cards, savings and transaction accounts.

For more information about ME Bank, give them a call on 13 15 63 or visit their website here.




Retired Members

TWU members who retire from the industry with 20+ years of good standing with the Union are eligible to become Honorary Members. Retired members who pay the Honorary Member fee will receive the Transport Worker Journal and are invited to attend an annual dinner.





Union Delegate Training

Paid Union Delegate Training Leave allows workplace representatives the opportunity to be trained in areas such as industrial relations, communications, negotiation skills, OH&S, recruitment, and retention. These courses are designed to be informative and interactive.





TWU Mortality Fund

$1000 paid to the family on the death of a financial member.





For more information regarding any of the above, call (08) 8346 4177.

Join the TWU online here. Not from SA or NT? Find your state branch here.